Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Worship at the cathedral

First up this morning was an early Wednesday morning service of Holy Communion at the cathedral. It was small and held in the chapel rather than the large worship space. It was also all in English. We used a worship book that set the liturgy to East African melodies, but for the hymns we turned to the green LBW's. We even used the long prayer of the church from the LBW, which some of us found quite moving given the context. Did the writers of that prayer ever imagine it would be prayed in a place as far from the U.S. as Bukoba? It was another reminder of what unites the many and various parts of the body of Christ. 

After worship, the entire assembly (about 30 in all) formed a circle in the courtyard. There we were introduced to Bishop Buberwa had a chance to introduce ourselves, too. We'll go back to the cathedral on Sunday, when each of the two morning services are typically attended by over 1,000 people. We expect the service is considerably longer, too. 

Back at the hotel we took this photo of three new friends: Grace, Judith, and Anne Marie, a missionary from Denmark who has lived and worked in Bukoba since 1967. 

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