Thursday, January 30, 2014

Bukoba Lutheran Secondary School

The last stop of the day on Wednesday was a secondary school run by the diocese. Primary school goes through grade 8, then secondary school begins and consists of Forms 1-4. After the four years of secondary school, students are prepared for two years of high school and perhaps college. 

Our very gracious host, headmaster Fidelis Kabigiza, gave us a tour, spoke with us about the school, and introduced us to teachers and students. On the way out, we started taking pictures with students and then were treated to some singing. 

We thought our visit was over, but then Fidelis showed us to an outdoor set of tables and invited us to tea and treats (our second of the day). 

We arrived back at the hotel after 7:00 quite tired out from the long day. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I was wondering if you could tell me any more information about Bukoba Lutheran Secondary School? How long do the students go to school and what are the subjects they learn? also how many buildings are there in the school and roughly how many students in a class?

    I am currently doing a research task for school and i cant seem to find this information anywhere. If you could respond to me that would be great!

