Wednesday, January 29, 2014


We have arrived in Bukoba to a wonderfully warm welcome. Judith Bukambu met us at the airport with remarkable enthusiasm (even despite a case of malaria). After a short walk to the ELCT hotel, we also met Grace Buberwa, the bishop's wife, and deputy General Secretary Jonas Lwezaura. We settled into our rooms before enjoying a delicious buffet meal. 

There would have been a blog update last night, but it was interrupted by a power outage around 9:00 which cut short our internet access and sent us to our rooms. We've been assured that this does not happen every day, but it happens regularly enough to require flashlights being made easily accessible in our rooms. 

We will wait until tomorrow to give a report on our first day of visits in Bukoba. However, we do want to say how grateful we are for Joel and Nancy Wiberg and Josiah and LuAnn Kibira for their preparations for this trip. Each of them is well loved and respected here in Bukoba, and it is an honor to be part of the church partnership that they have helped maintain over many years. Thanks also to Linda, our excellent travel agent. 

There will be much to write about in our next post. Stay tuned!

Until tomorrow...(assuming we have power). 

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