Friday, January 31, 2014

Tumaini Children's Center

Nancy Moe writes...
Children living in the streets of Bukoba because of psychological or physical abuse or because rural kids think life is better in the city can find help at the Tumaini Center. Here they can get counseling, food, clothes, and a safe place to live and go to school. Counselors work to find family members who will take the children in. This is in the best interest of everyone. 

The shamba (small farm) we visited had 57 kids who sang and danced for us. We saw the new building project, a dining/chapel hall, and learned about how they hope to keep mold out of the building by weaving dry banana leaves into a mat and putting that between the foundation and ground. This shamba also has pigs, chickens, corn, and a vegetable garden that the children help with. 

When the children asked us if there were children like them where we come from, we had to say, "yes." I didn't want this to be what we have in common. 

The staff are committed to the success of these children. I saw in them patience and hope. They are very proud of the children they helped to make a better life. 

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